Friday, January 16, 2015

Using the "Controller As" Syntax With AngularJS Controllers

I recently had a chance to try out the "controller as" alternative to storing model data and controller functions on the $scope of an Angular controller, and I was rather taken with the elegance of it.

An example of the familar method of attaching a controller to a view via the regular Angular router and exposing data and methods via the $scope:


when('/auth/sales/salesPage', {
  templateUrl: 'views/sales.html',
  controller: 'salesController'



.controller( 'salesController', [ '$scope', 'demoService',  function( $scope, demoService ) {
   $scope.uiState = { pageLoaded: false };

   $scope.performAction = function() {
     console.log( "Action!" );



<h1>Sales Prospects</h1>
<div ng-show="uiState.pageLoaded"></div> the same code but using the "controller as" methodology:



when('/auth/sales/salesPage', {
  templateUrl: 'views/sales.html',
  controller: 'salesController as vm' //'vm' is now a reference to the controller object



.controller( 'salesController', [ 'demoService',  function( demoService ) {
   var vm = this; //The controller object takes the place of the scope.
   vm.uiState = { pageLoaded: false };

   vm.performAction = function() {
     console.log( "Action!" );



<h1>Sales Prospects</h1>
<-- The route provides the controller object to the view as 'vm' -->
<div ng-show="vm.uiState.pageLoaded"></div>


Some of the benefits of this "controller as" methodology:

  • You don't have to inject the $scope into the controller.
  • If you have multiple views with multiple controllers on the same page, you can now have unique references/namespaces for each controller and not worry about name collisions between each controller's $scope.
  • It looks cleaner.
  • Less typing of "$scope" means you won't wear out the 4/$ key on your keyboard as quickly. :)


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