A few weeks ago, Bob Silverberg released his latest open-source project, CFSelenium. For those who don't know about the project, a little background: Selenium is a tool suite for testing web pages. The most well-known member of the Selenium product family is Selenium IDE, a Firefox plugin that lets you record the actions performed on a web page (or a series of connected web pages) and the results of those actions. You can then use the recording (stored as a series of commands) to redo those steps whenever you need to test the page or pages after making changes. Another member of the Selenium product family is Selenium Server (formerly called Selenium-RC), which is a small, Java-based server that can run scripts comprised of Selenium commands in multiple browsers, allowing you to conduct the same kinds of tests recorded by Selenium IDE in browsers other than Firefox: a great way to test web page functionality across multiple browsers.
In creating CFSelenium, Bob made it possible (easy, in fact) to create and run Selenium Server scripts using ColdFusion 9, and created a plugin for Selenium IDE that would output the recording statements in CFSelenium format within MXUnit test case functions.
Bob wrote CFSelenium in ColdFusion 9-compatible cfscript, and after he announced the project a few folks inquired about the possibility of having a version written in tag-based CFML. On somewhat of a whim, I decided to take on that task, and ended up with a tag-based version of Bob's original selenium.cfc file that is compatible with both ColdFusion 7 and ColdFusion 8, as well as a few test files that run against the tag-based version.
Bob has now incorporated my tag-based version and my test files into the CFSelenium project, and we've agreed that I will maintain the tag-based version while he maintains the CF9 script verison. You can download CFSelenium from either RIAForge (http://cfselenium.riaforge.org/) or from GitHub (https://github.com/bobsilverberg/CFSelenium). For more about Selenium in general, I'd suggest reading Bob's blog post announcing CFSelenium as well as the Selenium website.
So if you're a developer whose responsibilities include cross-browser testing of your web pages, you should really check out CFSelenium.
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