The current project I'm working on includes a display page where users can see a list of messages generated for them by the system. Each message consists of an <li> element containing the text of the message followed by a hyperlink labeled "Delete". I wanted to make it such that you could delete each message without refreshing the page, but still accommodate users who had JavaScript turned off, and without a lot of extra work. How did I do it? Like so:
...The only other thing you need to do is put a conditional statement in the page/event that is called by the hyperlink that looks for the presence of the additional URL variable ("js" in this case). If JavaScript is turned off, that additional variable will not be defined and the page/event will redirect the action back to the calling page once it's done deleting the message data from the database. If JavaScript is turned on, the page/event will simply delete the message data (no action redirect), and the user simply sees that message item disappear from the list.
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