Monday, January 19, 2015

Angular 1.3x Makes ARIA Enhancement Simple With ngAria Module

One of the JavaScript podcasts I listen to mentioned that the one of the new features in Angular 1.3x was the ngAria module.  I knew just from the name that the module had something to do with ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) but I wasn't sure what it did or how to implement it, so I decided to check it out.

Turns out using this new module is drop-dead simple.  You don't have to add any code to your markup in order to use it:  once you include the ngAria module in your Angular application, it'll automatically add and manage "aria-" attributes on your DOM elements, attributes that help screen readers understand what's going on in your application.

The folks over at have an excellent five minute video that demonstrates ngAria in action:

You can also read more about ngAria on the AngularJS documentation page on accessibility:

Frankly, I can't see a reason for not including this module in your AngularJS application if you're using Angular 1.3x.  It won't solve every accessibility issue, but it's a good starting point.



Friday, January 16, 2015

Using the "Controller As" Syntax With AngularJS Controllers

I recently had a chance to try out the "controller as" alternative to storing model data and controller functions on the $scope of an Angular controller, and I was rather taken with the elegance of it.

An example of the familar method of attaching a controller to a view via the regular Angular router and exposing data and methods via the $scope:


when('/auth/sales/salesPage', {
  templateUrl: 'views/sales.html',
  controller: 'salesController'



.controller( 'salesController', [ '$scope', 'demoService',  function( $scope, demoService ) {
   $scope.uiState = { pageLoaded: false };

   $scope.performAction = function() {
     console.log( "Action!" );



<h1>Sales Prospects</h1>
<div ng-show="uiState.pageLoaded"></div> the same code but using the "controller as" methodology:



when('/auth/sales/salesPage', {
  templateUrl: 'views/sales.html',
  controller: 'salesController as vm' //'vm' is now a reference to the controller object



.controller( 'salesController', [ 'demoService',  function( demoService ) {
   var vm = this; //The controller object takes the place of the scope.
   vm.uiState = { pageLoaded: false };

   vm.performAction = function() {
     console.log( "Action!" );



<h1>Sales Prospects</h1>
<-- The route provides the controller object to the view as 'vm' -->
<div ng-show="vm.uiState.pageLoaded"></div>


Some of the benefits of this "controller as" methodology:

  • You don't have to inject the $scope into the controller.
  • If you have multiple views with multiple controllers on the same page, you can now have unique references/namespaces for each controller and not worry about name collisions between each controller's $scope.
  • It looks cleaner.
  • Less typing of "$scope" means you won't wear out the 4/$ key on your keyboard as quickly. :)